5 - 7 The Varna Eneolithic Necropolis
Found by chance during construction works in 1972 in
the western industrial part of Varna the Varna Eneolithic
Necropolis was under research excavations till 1991 under
the direction of Mr. M.Lazarov /1972-1976/ and Mr.
I. Ivanov /1972-1991/. It is situated about 500 m to the
north of the Varna Lake and about 4 km to the west of downtown
Studied are 294 graves of three types: graves with skeletons
lying in a full straight position on the back, graves with bent
skeletons turned to one of the sides and symbolic graves /cenotaphs/. |
In Hall 6 is exhibited the whole inventory
from some of the most significant graves. On both sides of the entrance
are represented the graves with masks of human faces shaped out
on spot and appliqued with gold plates. The rich variety of funeral
utensils going along with the dead is best illustrated by two of
the symbolic graves / No 4 and No 36/. In grave No 4 have been found
two unique vessels where the typical for the time decoration of
strongly stylized geometrical symbols is fulfilled in golden paint.